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You may for your own use photocopy or print entire books and articles - but only for your OWN use!


If you wish to scan printed materials from the library, you should be aware of the following: 

  • You are only allowed to scan at the library.
  • For use in your studies, you may ONLY scan 20 per cent of the material, but no more than 50 pages.
  • Remember that scanned material is for your own use ONLY, this means that you may NOT forward or share the digital copy with fellow students or others. 

You are NOT allowed to upload or share digital copies via mail, Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox or similar sites. But you may share the link to the article, where you have found it.

You may copy or print from both digital and physical newspapers, but you may not scan them.

For use in exam assignments, you can use images, pictures, paintings, photos from the web and books, as long as the exam assignment is not published. You can also make use of the university's image agreement with Colourbox. 
Find more information on Colourbox here.

For use in dissertations, you can use images, pictures, paintings, photos only if you have obtained permission from the copyright holder. Or you can make use of the university's image agreement with Colourbox. 
Find more information on Colourbox here.


The university has no agreement on the use of music. Therefore you have to obtain permission from the copyright holder before any use. See more on the Koda's website.


You may only record a lecture if the teacher has given his/her permission for this and if other students do not appear on the video/audio.


The Lecturers' Right to Their Own Teaching Materials:
As a general rule, lecturers hold the copyright to their own teaching materials, including PowerPoint presentations, and thus decides whether they wish to share them with the students (Copyright Act). If the lecturer chooses to share their materials with the students, they also determine whether this occurs before, during, or after the teaching session. These decisions may be based on various pedagogical or GDPR-related reasons.
Please also note that PowerPoint presentations are rarely considered recommended literature and often do not cover all the learning objectives of the course. The learning objectives are specified in the course description, and it is recommended to achieve these objectives through the recommended literature and the provided teaching activities.


Read the SDU Copyright guide for lecturers

Copyright at SDU

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Last Updated 28.05.2022