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Key figures and quality indicators

At SDU, we have decided that a number of quantitative indicators and quality indicators should complement the requirements that the quality policy places on quality work.

The key figures and the quality indicators are all listed at programme level. The key figures are used for full-time programmes and the quality indicators are used for part-time programmes.

Key figures for quality in education for full-time programmes

Five key figures are used for SDU's full-time programmes. For each key figure, a limit value is given for when the value of the key figure is unsatisfactory.

As a starting point, unsatisfactory key figures must be analysed and explained, and a decision has to be made on which measures must be taken to correct the conditions.

The following key figures are used:


This key figure monitors how large a percentage of a programme’s students who are not either active 13 months after study commencement or have graduated in the same main academic field within this period. Indicated as a percentage (number of drop-outs out of all students admitted). Admission is assessed on 1 October. The method is identical for Bachelor, professional Bachelor's, Master´s programmes for working professionals and Master's degree programmes.

Limit value and comparison basis

The national averages calculated by Universities Denmark are used for the purpose of setting limit values, which are calculated by 1 decimal place. However, the national average for the previous year will be used for calculating limit values in a given year. This can be taken into account in the interpretation of the lamps.

For programmes where the national average used is below or equal to 6%:

Satisfactory (green):

Programmes where the drop-out rate is up to and including the national average for the main field

Requires attention (yellow):

Programmes where the drop-out rate ranged from above the national average to the national average for the main field plus 33%

Unsatisfactory (red):

Programmes where the drop-out rate is above the national average plus 33%

For programmes where the national average used is above 6%

Satisfactory (green):

Programmes that are at or below the highest national average

Requires attention (yellow):

Programmes that are above the highest national average but below or equal to the national average + 2 percentage points

Unsatisfactory (red):

Programmes that are above the limit value for yellow


This key figure monitors how many months a programme’s students in a given year are delayed on average compared to the standard duration of study. The method is identical for Bachelor, professional Bachelor's, Master´s programmes for working professionals and Master's degree programmes.

Limit value and comparison basis

The duration of study for graduates is determined by the date on which they were admitted to the programme until the date they graduate from the programme.  The exceedance of the duration of study is assessed as the difference between the actual duration of study minus the prescribed period of study.

Bachelor, professional Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes

Satisfactory (green):

Programmes where the average exceedance is up to and including three months

Requires attention (yellow):

Programmes where the average exceedance is over three months up to and including six months

Unsatisfactory (red):

Programmes where the average exceedance is over six months

Master's programmes for working professionals

Satisfactory (green):

Programmes where the average exceedance is up to and including six months

Requires attention (yellow):

Programmes where the average exceedance is over six months up to and including 12 months

Unsatisfactory (red):

Programmes where the average exceedance is over 12 months




The quality policy uses three figures to illustrate relevance: unemployment, employment, transition frequency. Unemployment is assessed as the average unemployment rate 4-7 quarters after the date of graduation. The assessments cover the graduates during the period between 1 October the previous year until 30 September of the current year. Employment is assessed as the average employment rate 12-23 months after the date of graduation. The assessments cover students who graduate during the period between 1 October the previous year until 30 September of the current year. The transition frequency is defined as the number of the year’s graduates who are admitted to a Master's degree programme at SDU in the same year (students who graduate during the period between 1 October - 30 September, who were admitted in the same period).

The method is identical for Bachelor, professional Bachelor's, Master´s programmes for working professionals and Master's degree programmes.

Limit value and comparison basis

The limit value for whether unemployment is satisfactory is determined on the basis of how it relates to the national average for graduates on advanced programmes. A national average report is used, which is prepared by the Ministry of Education and Research.

For programmes where the national average used is below or equal to 6%:

Satisfactory (green):

Programmes that are at or below the highest national average

Requires attention (yellow):

Programmes that are above the highest national average but below or equal to the national average + 2 percentage points

Unsatisfactory (red):

Programmes that are above the limit value for yellow

For programmes where the national average used is above 6%:

Satisfactory (green):

Programmes that are at or below the highest national average

Requires attention (yellow):

Programmes that are above the highest national average but below or equal to the national average + 33%

Unsatisfactory (red):

Programmes that are above the limit value for yellow

Supplementary indicators:

Professional Bachelor's, Master's degree and Master´s programmes for working professionals

An employment rate of 25 percentage points below the societal employment rate minus a factor of uncertainty is unsatisfactory.

Bachelor programmes
Transition frequency

A transition frequency of less than 75% is unsatisfactory.


A teaching activity for Bachelor, professional Bachelor's, Master´s programmes for working professionals and Master's degree programmes is defined as one of the following: planned teaching where the university teacher and students are physically present together or ICT-based teaching.

Limit value and comparison basis

The Ministry uses the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s minimum limits in a supervisory context. The limit for SDU's own goal corresponds to the minimum limit, which marked the transition from a green to a red key figure prior to the assessment of key figures in 2019.

Satisfactory (green):
 Programmes where the number of hours per ECTS is equal to or more than SDU’s goal 
 Requires attention (yellow):
Programmes where the number of hours per ECTS is equal to or more than the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s minimum limit but below SDU’s goal
 Unsatisfactory (red): 
Programmes where the number of hours per ECTS is below the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s minimum limit


The quality policy uses to two figures to illustrate research coverage: VIP-DVIP and Student FTE-DVIP.

The methods for VIP-DVIP and Student FTE/VIP are identical for Bachelor, Master´s programmes for working professionals and Master's degree programmes. VIP and DVIP follow the definition used by the ministerial report of planned teaching and supervision. The key figure for research coverage is not assessed for professional Bachelor's programmes, as they are not subject to research coverage.

Limit value and comparison basis

The limit value for whether a programme’s research coverage, the full-time academic staff/part-time academic staff ratio, is unsatisfactory is determined on the basis of how it relates to the national average for the main academic field:

Satisfactory (green):

The proportion is equal to or more than the national average for the main academic field.

Requires attention (yellow):

The proportion is between the national average for the main academic field and the national average for the main academic field minus 33%.

Unsatisfactory (red):

The proportion is less than the national average for the main academic field minus 33%.

However, a programme does not have an unsatisfactory VIP-DVIP if it is above a value of 75%. SDU considers this value to be an acceptable coverage of permanent employees, while at the same time allowing external input via DVIP.

Quality indicators for quality in education for part-time education

SDU's part-time programmes use six quality indicators. Limit values are not used in the same way as in full-time education, but with some of the quality indicators, an indicative limit value is stated.

As a starting point, the quality indicators must be analysed and explained, and a decision must be made as to which measures must be implemented to correct unsatisfactory conditions.

The following quality indicators are used:

This quality indicator monitors how many students in a given year have been admitted to a master´s or diploma programme or other part-time programmes and single subjects. 
This quality indicator monitors how many students in a given year have been admitted to a master´s or diploma programme or other part-time programmes and single subjects as per 1 October of a given year. 
This quality indicator monitors how many students in a given year have graduated from a master´s or diploma programme or other part-time programmes. 

This quality indicator monitors the full-time academic staff/part-time academic staff ratio on a programme for a given year. 

If the full-time academic staff/part-time academic staff ratio is below 1, this requires special attention. 

This quality indicator monitors the students´ average satisfaction with the academic and teaching quality on a programme for a given year. 

If the average satisfaction rating is below 3.5, this requires special attention. 

This quality indicator monitors the students´ average experience of the programme´s quality and thus is the relevance of the programme in a given year. 

If the average experience rating is below 3.5, this requires special attention. 

Memorandum on SDU's key figures for quality in education of full-time programmes

Read a detailed description of the key figures regarding full-time programmes

Memorandum on SDU's key figures for quality in education of full-time programmes

Memorandum on SDU's indicators for the quality in education of part-time study programmes

Read a detailed description of the indicators regarding part-time study programmes

Memorandum on SDU's indicators for the quality in education of part-time study programmes

Education Strategy University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230

Last Updated 28.05.2024