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University of Southern Denmark, SDU

How is the Danes and more than 100 other pouplations around the world affected by the coronavirus pandemic?

During the coronavirus pandemic, we were in a historic and international crisis. Both the pandemic and the policies affecting everyday life may have influenced mental health.

The National Institute of Public Health is together with the Danish psychiatric foundation (PsykiatriFonden) and CORE - Copenhagen Research Centre for Mental Health Danish partners in a large international study, describing how the mental health of populations in more than 100 countries was affected.


The aim of the study is to get knowledge of how our mental health was affected by the coronavirus pandemic and whether the policies to control the pandemic may have influenced mental health. This will make it possible to limit the negative effects of the crisis and increase our knowledge for future pandemics.


The study is the first international study focusing on the global consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on mental health. The same questionnaire is collected in numerous populations making it possible to compare the consequences in the world.

Project period

The project period is 2020 to 2022.


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Last Updated 21.03.2023