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Study abroad on MMA - examples of bachelor projects and field work countries

Understanding cross-cultural encounters, globalization processes, and the ability to conduct fieldwork to generate market insights are among the most central skills that you will get from studying at the MMA programme. Therefore a semester abroad is compulsory on Bsc in Market and Management Anthropology (MMA). Read more about study abroad.

The following list and world map shows some examples of bachelor projects and field work countries on MMA in the period 2015-2017.


  • A post-phenomenological analysis of the Pokémon Go fad (Odense, Denmark)
  • Hijab as consumer object in Morocco (Rabat)
  • Internet piracy and young adult Norwegians (Oslo)

Markets and marketing

  • Marketing of soy milk in Ghana (Accra)
  • Local attitudes towards Foie Gras production & consumption (Toulouse, France)
  • Crowdfunding and the music community in Reykjavik (Iceland)
  • Management and organizations
  • Managing creativity in a French company (Poitiers, France)
  • Human resource management – a comparative study of Radiometer in Poland and Denmark
  • Communication problems between robotics engineers and customers (Odense, Denmark)

Sustainability and the environment

  • Packaging, hygiene, and environmentalism in Japan (Nishinomiya)
  • Sustainability, certification and forestry in Indonesia (Yogyakarta)
  • Dumpster diving in the Netherlands (Groningen)

Politics and Law

  • Attitudes towards large-scale mining in Greenland (Nuuk)
  • LEPIN vs. LEGO and IPR in China (Shanghai)
  • EU resentment among right-wing British students (Portsmouth)

Food and health

  • Food and Nationalism in Peru (Miraflores)
  • Anti-vaccine parents in Prague (Czech Republic)
  • Fitness ideals and consumption among bodybuilders in Germany
  • Food safety and trust in Vietnam (Hanoi)

Religion and self-identity

  • Gift-giving and Eid (Rabat, Morocco)
  • The pursuit of self through Ayurvedic tourism (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
  • Islamic missionary activities (dakwah) (Yogyakarta, Indonesia)


  • The sustainable tourism market in Sri Lanka (Colombo)
  • The experience and magic of scuba diving in Mexico


  • Fast-fashion vs. French fashion (Lyon, France)
  • Expressing national development through fashion (Thimphu, Bhutan)


  • Public services and organizational accountability (Kampala, Uganda)
  • Foreign investment and perceptions of the future in Peru (Lima)

The world map shows the countries in which the bachelor projects have been carried out, and where the field work has taken place.

Also, take a look in our exchange catalogue with recommended fieldwork sites.

World map, Bachelor projects, Market and Management Anthropology, MMA, SDU

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