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Academic requirements

To qualify for admission you need a relevant Bachelor's degree.

Your degree must include a minimum of 75 ECTS within the field of Economics and Business Administration, comprising at least 5 ECTS within each of the following subjects:

  • Microeconomics or Managerial Economics
  • Accounting
  • Corporate Finance
  • Marketing
  • Organizational theory
  • Statistics
  • Methods for collection and analysis of data
    - statistics or other qualitative or quantitative methods, including mathematics or operations research/operations management. Data collection may be included to a minor extend.
  • Theory of Science and Scientific Methodology and Methods
    - the requirement can be replaced by a Bachelor's thesis (15 ECTS) if your degree is from a University

If you hold a relevant degree, but lack one or more specific subject areas, admission to the Master's programme will require that you follow supplementary courses

Pre-approved degrees

You are qualified for admission if you hold a:

  • BSc in Economics and Business Administration from SDU -  gives you a legal claim for admission
  • BSc in Market & Management Anthropology from SDU -  gives you a legal claim for admission
  • BSc in Economics and Business Administration from another Danish university
  • BSc in Economics (Business Economics line) from SDU

Furthermore, the following degrees may qualify for admission, depending on the specific courses you have followed. Read more about the requirements if you have studied:

Occupational requirements

You can meet the requirement of relevant employment in three different ways:

  • If you are an employee of a relevant public or private company with a minimum working week of 25 hours on average
  • If you are self-employed in your own relevant company with a minimum working week of 25 hours on average. Your company must have a revenue and relevant activities that generate earnings.
  • If you are an entrepreneur with your own relevant company with a minimum working week of 25 hours on average. Your company must either have a revenue and relevant activities that generate earnings, or be affiliated with a public or private entrepreneurial milieu. 

Read more about the employment demands.

Language requirements

If you apply for the programme in Odense, you must submit proof of your English language proficiency unless your Bachelor's is from SDU. For requirements regarding the programme in Kolding, please refer to the Danish version of this page. 

Learn how to prove your Language proficiency

Selection criteria

There is a limited number of study places in the programme. If there are more qualified applicants than study places, applicants are ranked based on the following score system: 

  • 6 points for fulfilling the entry requirements in advance - i.e. you don't need any supplementary courses
  • 1 point for 10 ECTS within microeconomics
  • 1 point for 10 ECTS within accounting
  • 1 point for 10 ECTS within marketing/consumer behavior 
  • 1 point for 10 ECTS within organisation
  • 1 point for 15 ECTS in courses within methods for quantitative analysis (statistics, mathematics, etc.)

As a Bachelor student at SDU, you can apply for permission to follow up to 30 ECTS Master-level courses even though you have yet to complete your Bachelor’s degree.

You can be granted permission if you have the necessary academic qualifications. The progression of your Bachelor’s programme is crucial to the outcome of your application.

Check to see whether you fulfil the conditions

By choosing your faculty below you can see which conditions you generally must fulfil to be permitted to take Master-level courses. Please acquaint yourself with the rules before you apply for permission since you must indicate in your application whether you fulfil the conditions or not. Read more here.

If you have previously been admitted to the programme, or already are, then special rules may apply when you apply for admission.

Find the scenario that suits you and read more: Re-enrolment, re-admission, transferring and change of programme

Have you completed a Master’s programme?

If you’ve already obtained a Master’s degree, you can only be admitted to a new Master’s programme if there are vacant study places in the programme.

Learn more about rule and the possibility to apply for exemption.

Have you completed another type of study programme?

As long as you do not hold a Master’s degree, you are free to apply for admission to a new programme.