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Develops App for Children in 6th Grade


Since he was a boy, 22 years old Almir Mehanovic has taken an interest in computers and software.

“I have always been curious to know how a programme is constructed, and what the ideas behind it were. I have often thought that it might be fun to make software myself. And now I can,” says Almir and continues:

“I have found out that developing a piece of software is so much more than being able to programme. All the other stuff is really exciting, such as for an example managing projects, defining system requirements, analysing the problems and designing the architecture of the software and the user interface,” says Almir, who during his first semester has spent some time learning to programme, but has now mastered it.

“Once you learn to programme it is exactly like getting a lot of Legos that you can build anything with, if they are put together in the right way. When you master the basic principles it is not difficult to build new.”

Project on user-oriented design
During their first semester the students were assigned a project where the task was to develop an android application to be included in Danish lessons in the 4th and 6th grade.

“First we were out visiting a school and to talk to the teacher with whom we have been working closely throughout the progress. By interviewing him and observing lessons we found that there was a need for a tool that would help the children read and interpret texts.”

Almir and his group chose to develop a solution for smartphones, so the children could walk around the school and solve tasks; almost a kind of orienteering.

“We found that the children needed movement during a lesson, and therefore we those to exploit the strengths of the mobile. At the same time the school called on the students to work freely and creatively with texts and could therefore also film and photograph their solutions,” says Almir.

Exciting and instructive process
Both the teacher and the children were very excited about the group’s solution, which still only exists in a prototype version.

“I think it was super instructive to work in this way with the users. The teacher was engaged throughout the whole process and that was very motivating. At the same time the different disciplines supplemented each other, so we were able to develop something that can make a difference.”

One of Almir’s reasons for choosing the education was due to its wide and practice-oriented focus and because he likes the way the subjects, group, and project works are related.

“I can see how well it works. It gives a deep understanding of the things we learn during lectures when we have to use the theory in our projects.”

Teamwork makes it fun
Almir often meets with his group in connection with project work.

“We enjoy each other’s company and get a lot of professional work done while enjoying ourselves. At the same time we learn from one another. I have gained a lot from working with people who think differently than I do,” says Almir and continues: 

“Normally, I like to start a task quickly and therefore sometimes forget to think it through in advance. That is something which the others have been good at, and so I have been strengthened in my approach to the tasks.”

In the future, Almir dreams of working with software development, perhaps as a project manager.

“It is good motivation that the corporate world wants engineers like us. It is nice to know that we are likely to get a nice job when we graduate,” says Almir.  

Faculty of Engineering University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230

Last Updated 11.02.2021