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General entry requirements – the Faculty of Humanities

Courses offered by the Faculty of Humanities are generally offered at either bachelor or master level. Some courses are offered for both master and bachelor students.


Entry requirements

  • For bachelor level courses, you must have completed at least one year of studies (i.e. 60 ECTS).
  • For master level courses, you must have completed what compares to three years of university studies within a relevant study programme (i.e. 180 ECTS).
  • Courses offered in German: be aware that to study German at university level, you must already have studied the German language for three years or more.


Required enclosures for the application

  • Transcript of records/grade transcripts for all completed university level activities (in English + signed and stamped or digitally verifiable). If you have taken courses at more than one institution at university level, you must enclose transcripts from them all.
  • Documentation of sufficient English and/or Danish skills
  • Copy of passport or  national ID card (national ID card: only EU/EEA and Nordic citizens)
  • Exchange students: documentation that your home university is sending you as an exchange student


Last Updated 17.07.2024