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Being an Exchange Student in Sønderborg

In Sønderborg, less than 40 km. from the German border, you will not be bored. In and around Sønderborg, there are plenty of opportunities when it comes to education, student housing, activities, informal meeting places and an international and active student environment. In Sønderborg you can really meet other young people and easily make new friends. Sønderborg offers rich opportunities to experience musical events, theater experiences, outdoor activities and city as well as beach life. 
Sports clubs are a great place to socialize and meet new friends. In Sønderborg you can join a sports club of your choice; football, handball or perhaps badminton? 
Learn more about what Sønderborg has to offer international students.

A special feature of SDU Sønderborg is the close cooperation with Europa-Universität Flensburg. The cooperation har resulted in an international study environment with Danish and foreign students and teachers from both sides of the border. 
With researchers and students from more than 50 countries, Sønderborg truly offers a unique international environment.

Last Updated 11.10.2019