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Career testimonials


"The MOISL program provided me with the political and legal tools that I use in my work with the reunification of refugee families at the Danish Immigration Service. I use my knowledge of international law that I gained from the program to assess whether Denmark has an international responsibility to reunite refugee families, for example, because of a right to family life.  During this master’s program you will have the opportunity to do an internship, which I would highly recommend. The internship gave me great practical experience that was useful both for my CV and in my self-understanding and what direction I wanted my career to go."

Anne-Sofie Fugmann, Graduating Class of 2019, Fuldmægtig, Danish Immigration Service.

“The Master’s in International Security and Law provided me with a multidisciplinary toolbox of political and legal tools to assess and understand international conflict. I gained a comprehensive knowledge of the rules of war, the complexity of politics and states’ interests in wartime, human rights, and the international legal system, which was valuable in practice as an intern at the Danish Institute for Human Rights and at the UN Peacekeeping office.

This toolbox and work experience gained through the MOISL program are also highly valuable in my current job as a political advisor in Amnesty International responsible for human rights violations in armed conflicts and refugees’ rights.”

Annette Stubkjær Rimmer, Graduating class of 2017, Policy advisor, Amnesty International.


"The multidisciplinary approach of MOISL allowed me to gain a unique understanding of human rights, international humanitarian law, military strategies, and the context in which those were either applied or breached. This was highly advantageous while interning at the Danish Delegation to NATO and the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo and in my current job as a Political Officer (JPD) at the EU Delegation to Tanzania, where I continue to draw from my multidisciplinary toolbox together with my work experiences."

Betül Akdemir, Graduating Class of 2017, Political Officer (JPD) at the European Union Delegation to Tanzania and the East African Community.

“I have an education as Arabic interpreter from the Royal Danish Defence Academy and a BA in Political    Sciences from the University of Copenhagen. I was about to do my master’s the same place when I  read  about a new masters degree in international security and law at the University of Southern  Denmark,  which immediately caught my attention. Having always taken a big interest in international  politics, the  master seemed to be the perfect combination of elements from this discipline and  international law, which  is highly relevant if you want to work in an international organisation or  company, for example. I hope  and believe that this master programme will give me the best  opportunities to achieve a career in the field  of international security and defence policy. The fact that  my fellow students come with very different  backgrounds, both academically and nationality-wise, is  really inspiring and has been a great asset to the  programme, since it adds many more perspectives to  the discussions."

Cecilie Spanggard Hahn-Petersen, Graduating Class of 2013, Special Advisor at the Danish Ministry of Defence.


"I wanted to have a broad, interdisciplinary profile, so MOISL was an obvious choice. MOISL allowed me to engage with a broad array of subjects within international law and security politics. The result was a genuine interdisciplinary approach to analyze issues of international affairs - the benefits of which became abundantly clear after graduation. Employed as a civilian academic in a military institution, I particularly draw advantage from my study of military tactics and the recent developments in warfare."

Esben Als-Andersen, Graduating Class of 2018, Head of Section, Executive Office, ARKTISK KOMMANDO - Joint Arctic Command.


“The MOISL program allowed plenty of freedom to explore one's own interests within the wider framework of international security. We were given the flexibility to arrange our studies both practically and topically. I followed my interests towards conflict resolution and currently work with hands-on peace mediation as a project assistant at a Finnish peace broker Crisis Management Initiative.”

Karita Kostiainen, Graduating Class of 2016, Project Assistant, Sub-Saharan Africa Team, CMI (Crisis Management Initiative).

"With its combination of political science, security studies and international law, the MOISL program taught me to apply a multidisciplinary perspective when examining international conflicts. Combined with practical work experience gained through my internship in the 3rd semester, I graduated the program with an excellent foundation for starting my professional career. This has proven very valuable in my current position as Head of Section at the Danish MFA."

Natasja Fischer Jacobsen, Graduating Class of 2017, Head of Section at the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


"I chose MOISL because I wanted to know more about international security and international relations. The connection between law and politics seemed really interesting and the program was a great opportunity to learn in an international environment. I currently work as a strategic development coordinator at Defence Command Denmark, working with international cooperation and strategic development of the Danish armed forces. MOISL has given me a near-perfect foundation for both my current job. The interdisciplinary nature of MOISL, the enthusiastic teaching staff and the amazing international learning environment were the highlights for me."

Steffen Horsmann, Graduating class of 2013, Strategic Development Coordinator, Defence Command Denmark.