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Courses within Business, Statistics and Social Sciences

Within the field of business, statistics and social sciences, we offer three courses - below, you will find more information about each course.

Please check the individual course descriptions for possible prerequisites and remember to see at which campus it is offered.



Decision, Persuasion and Negotiation

We make numerous decisions every day, many of which concern how to persuade, how to negotiate, and how to exert influence on other people. Being effective in decision making, persuasion, and negotiation is therefore indispensable to be successful in almost any profession. Research has shown, however, even intelligent people are biased in ways that seriously limit the quality of their decisions and compromise their potential in persuading and influencing others. Aiming to help the students become more effective in decision-making, persuading, and negotiating, this course introduces the rationales that drive human behavior and discuss the common biases that affect decisions. Drawing from studies in business, economics, psychology, and neuroscience, we will cover empirically validated principles and tactics that can improve the quality and effectiveness of decision, persuasion, and negotiation, as well as their applications in marketing, sales, leadership, behavioral design, and investment decision. Students have the opportunity to apply and practice these principles in decision-making experiments and negotiation exercises.

Course description  | Offered in Odense | Offered by: Department of Business and Economics



Introduction to R

R is one of the most popular programming languages in data science, statistics, and other quantitative sciences, with a growing number of users and organizations using it. It is a free, powerful, versatile, and easy to use tool for data analytics and visualization. The course will help you master R, from installation to basic statistics. You will learn general programming features and how to analyze and visualize data.

Course description | Offered in Odense | Offered by: Department of Business and Economics



Global Challenges I: The SDGs Relevance for the Social Sciences

The purpose of this course is to make students understand the emergence and development of the academic discussion regarding the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs), as manifested by the UN’s 2030 agenda for peace and prosperity for the people and the planet, and their connectedness with study programs within the Social Sciences. The students will acquire competences regarding the various fields of SDG-related theoretical and conceptual discussion within social science, and of selected current issues within the field.

Course description | Offered in Odense | Offered by: Department of Political Science and Public Management


Last Updated 24.03.2022