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The Lundbeck Foundation: Upcoming Brain Conferences – May and June 2019

For your information, the applications for the May 2019 Brain Conference on Understanding and targeting Alzheimer's disease and for the June Brain Conference on Dynamics of the brain – temporal aspects of computation are now both open.

As previous years, The Lundbeck Foundation has 20 free seats per conference so please distribute this opportunity in your network.

To be considered, the applicant must be based in Denmark, below 40 years, bring an abstract and participate in the entire meeting.

You can apply by sending an e-mail to with name, title, institution and age.
Deadline for the May conference is 18 February 2019. Deadline for June conference is in March.

It will be first come, first serve and we, the Lundbeck Foundation, will inform the applicants after the deadline by mail whether they have received a free seat or not. The list of applicants will be forwarded to the FENS organizers. The applicants must then register themselves and enclose their abstract using online application portal to FENS Brain conference.

Please note that since 3 days the Brain Conferences Committee (BCC) has two new members (Isabelle Mansuy and Ulman Lindenberger), as the mandate of Erin Schuman and Christine Petit reached its end). The current composition of the BCC can be viewed here.

If you have any questions, contact Louise Bruun,

Department of Clinical Research - Faculty of Health Sciences - University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 9254

Last Updated 21.06.2022