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EMC-Electromagnetic compatibility

Switching frequencies increase in order to obtain high efficiency and compact power electronic. In digital electronic the clock frequencies continually increase making EMI worse.

Electronic development in Denmark (and the rest of Europe) is often based on modules developed in the far east. The Danish companies integrate the different modules into one product. EMC is one of the big issues in this process.

Everything is going wireless, including IOT, and desense (degradation of sensitivity caused by nearby electronic) becomes more important.

International standards for EMC continually change and companies must adapt to new mandatory requirements.

Research scope 

We have a strong interest in all kind of  EMC. We are strong in conducted emission (<30 MHz) and EMI filtering including using hybrid magnetic. Another focus area is predicting EMC performance early in a project based on the used modules and EMC architecture. We are among the pioneers in using near-field scanning for hot spot finding and using the measured field as source for simulations and EMC architecture.

Accordingly, our research goals are to

  • Making EMI filters smaller and more cost effective.
  • Making and analysing EMC architecture in order to predict EMC performance early in the project.
  • Understanding EMI with respect to wireless solutions.

Thereby the impact of our research is

  • Increased feasibility in project execution where EMC will not be showstopper.
  • Targeted EMI mitigation with fewer components (lower cost).

Research Topics

Power electronic and EMC

  • Hybrid magnetic structures for EMI filtering
  • High frequency core loss measurement technics

Connection between EMC at module level and system level

  • 3D full wave simulations
  • Module level measurements

Near-field scanning

  • Measured data as source for simulations
  • Probe calibration
  • Hot spot finding by help of plane wave spectrum


  • Source reconstruction
  • Finding coupling paths by help of near-field scanning

Applications of circuit and 3D full wave electromagnetic simulations

Additional competences:

  • Antennas and propagation

Research group


Find selected projects here:

  • Industrial Electronics Innovation (IEI), eWorkVehicle. EMC architecture for battery driven trucks, Read more

  • Industrial Electronics Innovation (IEI), Hi5un MIE-35DWAC PV. EMC correct PCB layout and 3D full wave simulations of inverters for an advanced solar power cells, Read more

  • Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP): eWorkVehiclePower – Hybrid fuel cell and battery powering unit for working vehicles. EMC work on DC-DC converters and system architecture.

  • Industrial Electronics Innovation (IEI), eRadarSensor – Using mm-wave for monitoring garbage levels in large waste containers.


Associate Prof. Mohamed Kheir Tel. +4565502842/


Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering University of Southern Denmark

  • Alsion 2
  • Sønderborg - DK-6400
  • Phone: +45 6550 1630

Last Updated 24.06.2024