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Prum, Puthisovathat, Prasertsak Charoen, Mohammed Ali Khan, Navid Bayati, and Chalie Charoenlarpnopparut. "Energy Management Scheme for Optimizing Multiple Smart Homes Equipped with Electric Vehicles." Energies 17, no. 1 (2024): 254.

Kordkandi, Reza Deihimi, Mehrdad Tarafdar Hagh, Sam Roozbehani, Mojtaba Feyzi, Navid Bayati, and Thomas Ebel. "Reative power control of micro-grids using FOSMC for grid code compliance during asymmetrical voltage sags." Electric Power Systems Research 229 (2024): 110056.


Bayati N, Savaghebi M. A high-impedance fault detection scheme for DC aircrafts based on comb filter and second derivative of voltage. Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation. 2023 Apr 1;2(2):100073.

Khan, Mohammed Ali, Navid Bayati, and Thomas Ebel. "Techno-economic analysis and predictive operation of a power-to-hydrogen for renewable microgrids." Energy Conversion and Management 298 (2023): 117762.

Bahrami, Milad, Ehsan Jamshidpour, Navid Bayati, and Serge Pierfederici. "Exploring Power Electronics Converters for Water Electrolysis in Microgrid Applications: A Comprehensive Overview." In 2023 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2023.

Gharehbagh, Hamed Kheirandish, Sajjad Miralizadeh Jalalat, Navid Bayati, and Thomas Ebel. "Evaluation of Solar and Lunar Eclipse Impacts on Danish Power System as a Case Study." In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2023 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2023.

Singh, Rupam, Varaha Satya Bharath Kurukuru, and Mohammed Ali Khan. "Advanced Power Converters and Learning in Diverse Robotic Innovation: A Review." Energies 16, no. 20 (2023): 7156.

Kurukuru, Varaha Satya Bharath, Mohammed Ali Khan, and Rupam Singh. "Electric Vehicle Charging/Discharging Models for Estimation of Load Profile in Grid Environments." Electric Power Components and Systems 51, no. 3 (2023): 279-295.

Kurukuru, Varaha Satya Bharath, Ahteshamul Haque, Mohammed Ali Khan, and Rajesh Kumar. "Failure mode effect classification for power electronics converters operating in a grid-connected system." IEEE Systems Journal (2022).

Azim Mohseni, Naser, Navid Bayati, and Thomas Ebel. "Energy management strategies of hybrid electric vehicles: A comparative review." IET Smart Grid (2023).

Khan MA, Kurukuru VS, Bayati N, Ebel T. Digital Twin Paradigm for Fault Ride Through in Grid-Integrated Distributed Generation. In2023 8th IEEE Workshop on the Electronic Grid (eGRID) 2023 Oct 16 (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

Amanipoor, Amin, Mohammad Sadegh Golsorkhi, Navid Bayati, and Mehdi Savaghebi. "V-Iq Based Control Scheme for Mitigation of Transient Overvoltage in Distribution Feeders With High PV Penetration." IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 14, no. 1 (2022): 283-296.

Hajian, Masoud, Mohammad S. Golsorkhi, Alireza Ranjbar, Qobad Shafiee, and Mehdi Savaghebi. "V‐I droop‐based distributed event‐and self‐triggered secondary control of AC microgrids." IET Smart Grid 6, no. 3 (2023): 271-283.

Khalili, Siamak, Amir Abbas Ahmadi, Ehsan Adib, and Mohammad Sadegh Golsorkhi. "Single‐switch coupled‐inductors‐based high step‐up converter with reduced voltage stress." IET Power Electronics (2023).

Baharizadeh, Mehdi, Mohammad Sadegh Golsorkhi, and Mehdi Savaghebi. "Secondary control with reduced communication requirements for accurate reactive power sharing in AC microgrids." IET Smart Grid 6, no. 6 (2023): 638-652.

Golsorkhi, Mohammad Sadegh, and Mehdi Baharizadeh. "A unidirectional hierarchical control structure with zero power sharing error for hybrid AC/DC microgrid." IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 38, no. 1 (2022): 379-391.


Bayati, Navid. "Novel Modified Characteristic Curve of Distance Relays by Consideration of Harsh Weathers." In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2022 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe), pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2022.

Bayati, Navid, Ebrahim Balouji, Hamid Reza Baghaee, Amin Hajizadeh, Mohsen Soltani, Zhengyu Lin, and Mehdi Savaghebi. "Locating high-impedance faults in DC microgrid clusters using support vector machines." Applied Energy 308 (2022): 118338.

Bayati, Navid, Hamid Reza Baghaee, Amin Hajizadeh, Mohsen Soltani, Zhengyu Lin, and Mehdi Savaghebi. "Local fault location in meshed DC microgrids based on parameter estimation technique." IEEE Systems Journal 16, no. 1 (2021): 1606-1615.

Bayati, Navid, Amin Hajizadeh, and Mohsen Soltani. "Fault analysis and protection of low-voltage DC microgrid equipped by renewable energy resources." In Research Anthology on Smart Grid and Microgrid Development, pp. 978-1012. IGI global, 2022.

Bayati, Navid, Hamid Reza Baghaee, Mehdi Savaghebi, Amin Hajizadeh, Mohsen Soltani, and Zhengyu Lin. "EMD/HT‐based local fault detection in DC microgrid clusters." IET Smart Grid 5, no. 3 (2022): 177-188.

Bayati, Navid, and Mehdi Savaghebi. "A Transient Component-Based Technique for Fault Detection in Distributed Generation Systems." In 2022 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2022.

Bayati, Navid, Lasse Kappel Mortensen, Mehdi Savaghebi, and Hamid Reza Shaker. "A localized transient-based fault location scheme for distribution systems." Sensors 22, no. 7 (2022): 2723.

Miveh, Mohammad Reza, Navid Bayati, and Ali Asghar Ghadimi. "Zero-Sequence Current Controller for a Four-Leg PV Inverter Under Unbalanced Grid Faults." In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2022 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe), pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2022.

Mohseni, Naser Azim, and Navid Bayati. "Robust Multi-Objective H2/H∞ Load Frequency Control of Multi-Area Interconnected Power Systems Using TS Fuzzy Modeling by Considering Delay and Uncertainty." Energies 15, no. 15 (2022): 5525.

Dadkhah, Akbar, Navid Bayati, Miadreza Shafie-khah, Lieven Vandevelde, and Joao PS Catalao. "Optimal price-based and emergency demand response programs considering consumers preferences." International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 138 (2022): 107890.

Aghaee, Fateme, Nima Mahdian Dehkordi, Navid Bayati, and Houshang Karimi. "A distributed secondary voltage and frequency controller considering packet dropouts and communication delay." International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 143 (2022): 108466.

Karami, P., Baharizadeh, M., Golsorkhi, M. S., & Ershadi, M. H. (2022). A coordinated control of hybrid AC/DC microgrids based on master–slave method. Electrical Engineering, 104(5), 3619-3629.

Golsorkhi MS, Hajian M, Savaghebi M. Distributed Event-Triggered Control Strategy Based on Adaptive VI Droop Characteristic for Accurate Load Sharing in AC Microgrids. In2022 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 2022 Jun 26 (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Amanipoor A, Golsorkhi MS. Stability Analysis and Design of Volt-VAR Controller for Grid Connected PV Systems with Consideration of the Impact of Voltage Feedforward. InIECON 2022–48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 2022 Oct 17 (pp. 1-6). IEEE.


Dehghani, M, Niknam, T, Ghiasi, M, Bayati, N & Savaghebi, M 2021, 'Cyber-attack detection in dc microgrids based on deep machine learning and wavelet singular values approach', Electronics (Switzerland), vol. 10, no. 16, 1914. 

Bayati, N, Baghaee, HR, Savaghebi, M, Hajizadeh, A, Soltani, M & Lin, Z 2021, 'DC Fault Current Analyzing, Limiting, and Clearing in DC Microgrid Clusters', Energies, vol. 14, no. 19, 6337. 

Mobashsher, MM, Keypour, R & Savaghebi, M 2021, 'Distributed optimal voltage control in islanded microgrids', International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 31, no. 11, e13045. 

Bayati, N, Baghaee, HR, Hajizadeh, A, Soltani, M, Lin, Z & Savaghebi, M 2021, 'Local Fault Location in Meshed DC Microgrids Based on Parameter Estimation Technique', I E E E Systems Journal.  
Bayati, N, Balouji, E, Baghaee, HR, Hajizadeh, A, Soltani, M, Lin, Z & Savaghebi, M 2021, 'Locating High-Impedance Faults in DC Microgrid Clusters Using Support Vector Machines', Applied Energy.

Bayati, N & Savaghebi, M 2021, 'Protection Systems for DC Shipboard Microgrids', Energies, vol. 14, no. 17, 5319.  
Saboori, H, Jadid, S & Savaghebi, M 2021, 'Spatio‐temporal and power–energy scheduling of mobile battery storage for mitigating wind and solar energy curtailment in distribution networks', Energies, vol. 14, no. 16, 4853. 

Farzin, H., Monadi, M., Fotuhi-Firuzabad, M. & Savaghebi, M 2021,'A reliability model for overcurrent relays considering harmonic-related malfunctions', International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 131, 10 p., 107093. 

Shademan, M., Jalilian, A., & Savaghebi, M 2021,'Improved control method for voltage regulation and harmonic mitigation using electric spring', Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(8). 

Seyedalipour, S. S., Shahparasti, M., Hajizadeh, A., & Savaghebi, M 2021, 'Model-based control of four-leg inverter for UPS applications considering the effect of neutral line inductor', IET Power Electronics, 14(8), 1468-1479.  

Sabzevari, S., Heydari, R., Mohiti, M., Savaghebi, M., & Rodriguez, J,  2021, 'Model-free neural network-based predictive control for robust operation of power converters ', Energies, 14(8).

Saboori, H., Jadid, S., & Savaghebi, M, 2021, 'Optimal Management of Mobile Battery Energy Storage as a Self-Driving, Self-Powered and Movable Charging Station to Promote Electric Vehicle Adoption', Energies, 14(3). 

Forouzesh, A., Golsorkhi, M. S., Savaghebi, M., & Baharizadeh, M, 2021, 'Support vector machine-based fault location identification in microgrids using interharmonic injection', Energies, 14(8).

Aminifar, F, Teimourzadeh, S, Shahsavari, A, Savaghebi, M & Golsorkhi, MS 2021, 'Machine learning for protection of distribution networks and power electronics-interfaced systems', The Electricity Journal, vol. 34, no. 1, 106886.  

Baharizadeh, M, Golsorkhi, MS, Shahparasti, M & Savaghebi, M 2021, 'A Two-layer Control Scheme Based on P-V.; Droop Characteristic for Accurate Power Sharing and Voltage Regulation in DC Microgrids', IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 

Golsorkhi Esfahani, MS & Savaghebi, M 2021, 'A Decentralized Control Strategy Based on V-I Droop for Enhancing Dynamics of Autonomous Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 

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Last Updated 13.06.2024