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Content of the PhD Programme

The PhD programme contains the following elements:

  • implementation of an independent research project (PhD project), which ends with a thesis and a public defence
  • preparation of a PhD thesis based on your PhD project
  • participation in PhD courses corresponding to a total of 30 ECTS
  • participation in active research environments, including stays at other research institutions (primarily abroad), private research companies etc. (change of environment)
  • gaining experience in teaching activities or other dissemination of knowledge totalling a scope of 300 hours.

When you are enrolled in the PhD programme you are enrolled in one of our six PhD programmes. Read more about the different programmes here. If you are writing an article based Thesis, there are different guidelines you need to follow depending on the PhD programme you are enrolled at.  






Read more about the approval of completed course activitites, independent study, among other things.

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Seminars, Evaluations and Qualifying Exams

Read more about the seminars, evaluations and qualifying exams that you will meet at your PhD Programme.

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Completion of the Programme

Read more about the elements that is included in the completion of the PhD programme

Click here

Last Updated 17.04.2024