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As part of your PhD course, you must, together with your supervisors, continuously evaluate the progression, risks and achieved results of your PhD project. The ongoing evaluations form the basis for any adjustments to the plans for your remaining study period. In the evaluations, you must present your project and your research. Typically before your research group and the other PhD students at the department. The internal and external assessors will then offer a second opinion on your project.

It follows from The Danish Ministerial Order on the PhD Programme at the Universities and Certain Higher Artistic Educational Institutions that the first regular evaluation is your PhD plan, which serves to ensure a quick balancing of expectations between you and your principal supervisor about your project, the supervision and your programme as a whole. The PhD plan is approved by the PhD committee and must be submitted to the PhD School no later than two months after your enrolment. You can read more about the PhD plan and what it should contain here.

A little further down the line, another evaluation in the form of a status seminar must be conducted. The purpose of the status seminar is to ensure an initial overview of the PhD programme with a focus on the delimitation, quality and progression of the PhD project. If you are enrolled under the 5+3 scheme, your status seminar must be completed 6-9 months after your enrolment. If you are enrolled under the 4+4 scheme, your status seminar must be completed 12-15 months after your enrolment. Read more about the status seminar here.  

Last Updated 15.03.2024