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Companies are interested to get direct support from researchers and benefit from their knowledge and competences. A way to meet these requests is that researchers offer consultancy and other services such as measurements and testing on commercial terms. 

This type of support is called “commissioned research” and requires to observe specific regulations and conditions amongst others to avoid distortion of competition. The company usually becomes the owner of the results of the consultancy activities and the possibilities of publication of results by the researcher is limited. Researchers are asked to observe the guidelines for collaboration with companies which can be downloaded below.

TEK Innovation supports researchers to develop offers and agreements for commissioned research. Our Team gives advice and guidance with:

  • Development of consultancy and service portfolios
  • Development of consultancy offers and agreements
  • Outreach to companies and communication of competences and service offers



We recommend all researchers to find funding opportunities through Research professional as it has the newest updated overview about calls and applications deadlines within all research areas.

It gives a complete overview of the largest funding opportunities to the smaller private charity organizations and detailed information about more than thousands funding opportunities. 

Below you can find a direct link to Research professional or you can go through the guide if you do not know where to start. 

Useful Links


Last Updated 27.07.2024