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Research Unit of Pathology

In order to give you an impression of what you can expect as a student in the Clinical Cell Biology group, we have collected an overview of some activities you can expect to become a part of:

Students in Clinical Cell Biology

Once a week, the students meet with their respective supervisor to discuss their current work in the lab and progress with their research projects.

It is always important to keep up with the latest bone research. Each month, the students and supervisor meet to discuss an article selected by one of the attendees. The focus of this activity is to learn to discuss scientific topics, develop a critical perspective towards the work of other scientists and discuss the latest bone research.

Every year, all students and employees at Clinical Cell Biology are invited to the Danish Bone Workshop at Sandbjerg Gods/Estate. During this 3 day event, students have the opportunity to present their projects in front of 70 to 80 scientists from all over the World.  Several students also get the chance to attend international conferences abroad and present their scientific achievements.

The work conducted by the Clinical Cell Biology team has gained recognition, attracting scientists from various countries who often visit the lab to collaborate and conduct experiments. We have recently hosted visitors from the USA, Canada, Brazil, Portugal, Spain and Austria.

Twice a month, the students, supervisors, and lab technician gather to discuss their ongoing work in the lab. Coordination is key during these meetings. Students also have the opportunity to update their colleagues about their projects, ensuring that everyone stays informed about the lab's progress.

Four to six times a year, all members of the Clinical Cell Biology and Molecular Bone Histology groups, come together for joint group meetings. During these meetings, students have the opportunity to present their current projects to all members. We also discuss newly published articles from group members, and occasionally invite foreign or national speakers to deliver talks on the latest developments in bone research. Twice a year, these meetings also end in a social get-together with fun games and dinner.

Once a week, a group member brings bread for all members of the Clinical Cell Biology and Molecular Bone Histology groups. This offers a great opportunity to start the morning with some food and interact with colleagues in an informal way.

  • Factors involved in cross talk between osteoclasts and osteoblastic reversal cells
  • Possible mediators and predictors of bone resorption
  • Personalized bone allograft transplantation
  • Cannabinoids and their effect on osteoclasts and osteoblastic reversal cells
  • The variable sensitivity of osteoclasts and patients to bisphosphonate treatment

Last Updated 28.06.2024