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Research Unit of Pathology

Research strategy

Click here for download research strategy in danish.

Forskningsstrategi 2022-2025

Our vision

We want to perform research at a high international level and link the results from our research with both clinical pathology and other specialties at OUH. We will do this to put the patient at the center and thereby ensure the best possible diagnostics and treatment. We will achieve this by ensuring a strong research culture, including offering attractive career paths, encouraging interdisciplinary excellent research collaboration, focusing on the development of evidence-based medicine, and maintaining strong international collaboration. Furthermore, our active involvement of patients and relatives (Friends of Research) in research will ensure that we prioritize and emphasize research with the patient at the center - not just with a focus on treatment, but also on the patient's well-being in a broader perspective. Research Friends will also contribute to improving and increasing our communication with the public. This will include sharing information about our research activities and results, but also give the public a better understanding of the important role the specialty "Pathology" plays for the individual patient.


Last Updated 22.05.2024