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Research Unit of Ophthalmology (Odense)

Diabetes, imaging, epidemiology, and AI

”Diabetic eye disease (retinopathy) is the most common complication in diabetes. In the working-group of “Diabetes, imaging, epidemiology and artificial intelligence” we have a strong focus on how to ease the burden of persons with diabetes.

In large, national epidemiological cohorts, we are constantly monitoring trends and tendencies in development of diabetic retinopathy and associated risk factors. Results are communicated to national and international partners and implemented in the Danish national guidelines for diabetic retinopathy screening.
In strong collaboration with Steno Diabetes Center Odense and dedicated partners from the Maersk Mc Kinney Moller Institute at the University of Southern Denmark, we are aiming to develop and implement artificial intelligence to assist us to identify patients at risk of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy.” 

Ongoing Research projects




Group leader

Jakob Grauslund, MD, PhD, DMSc, Clinical Professor


Jakob Grauslund

Last Updated 03.04.2024