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Research Unit of Ophthalmology (Odense)

Segmentation and classifications of diabetic retinopathy

Segmentation and classification of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema in Norway and Denmark: a collaborative study between Vestfold Hospital Trust and Odense University Hospital

Diabetes is the world leading cause of blindness of the working population. There are ongoing screening programs in many countries including Denmark in order to find patients with a higher risk of visual deterioration with the aim of giving them a closer follow up and treatment.

In Denmark and most other places the images of the retina have to be analyzed manually. This is very time consuming. Artificial intelligence(AI) have showed promising at this task.

Goal: Develop an AI able to analyze and grade the degree of retinopathy from Optos wide field images of the retina, analyze depth-scans of the retina and detect edema, and finally detect edema of the retina just from a fundus-photo without the depth-scan.

Lars Morten Skollerud, MD


Lars Morten Skollerud

Last Updated 26.03.2024