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Conference session

CML sessions at Kalamazoo ICMS 2017

Reconsidering the Boundaries of Late-Medieval Political Literature, Kalamazoo 11-14 May 2017

Sessions sponsored by the Centre for Medieval Literature and the Canadian Society of Medievalists/Société canadienne des médiévistes

Friday, 10:00 am, #177,  Fetzer 1060
Reconsidering the Boundaries of Late Medieval Political Literature I
Sponsor: Canadian Society of Medievalists/La Société canadienne des médiévistes; Centre for Medieval Literature, Syddansk Univ. and Univ. of York
Organizer: Kristin Bourassa, Centre for Medieval Literature, Syddansk Univ.; Justin Sturgeon, Univ. of West Florida
Presider: Kristin Bourassa

"Political Literature without a Political Nation? An Assessment of the Takkanot ha-Kahal Texts and Other Legislative Literature in Jewish Communities at the End of the Middle Ages" (Martin Borýsek, Centre for Medieval Literature, Univ. of York)
"The Invention of a New Language of Politics in between Medicine, Economics, and Science: The Singular Contribution of Nicole Oresme" (Nicole Hochner, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem)
"Late Medieval Princely Hagiography in Rus’ and the Balkans as Political Literature" (Alexandra Vukovich, Newnham College, Univ. of Cambridge)

Friday,1:30 pm #243, Schneider 1135
Reconsidering the Boundaries of Late Medieval Political Literature II
Sponsor: Canadian Society of Medievalists/La Société canadienne des médiévistes; Centre for Medieval Literature, Syddansk Univ. and Univ. of York
Organizer: Kristin Bourassa, Centre for Medieval Literature, Syddansk Univ.; Justin Sturgeon, Univ. of West Florida
Presider: Justin Sturgeon

"Political Tyranny, Women, and Love in Fifteenth-Century Castilian Letters" (Ana M. Montero, St. Louis Univ.)
"Le livre des fais du bon messire Jehan Le Maingre, dit Bouciquat: A Mirror for Princes?" (Craig Taylor, Univ. of York)
"Mirror-for-Magistrates: Reflections on a European Urban Corpus of Political Manuals" (David P. H. Napolitano, Univ. of Cambridge)

Editing was completed: 11.05.2017