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Saints and their Several Images

Conference organised by Steffen Hope (CML), 31 May-1 June 2018. This conference aims to explore the many parallel traditions of a given saint, or how tradition changed over time.

This conference aims to explore the many parallel traditions of a given saint, or how tradition changed over time. The purpose is to problematize the stability of a saint's iconography, and instead emphasize that there is usually more than just one image or representation of a saint. The conference draws scholars from a various scholarly disciplines, such as history, musicology, and philosophy, and the speakers will address saints and their cults from both Latin Christendom as well as Byzantium and Rus.

Contact: Steffen Hope,

Saints and their Several images

May 31, 2018

9:30-10:30 Registration
10:00-10:15 Welcome


Roman Hankeln (Norwegian University of Science and Technology): The forged saint and his chants: reflections of identity in text and music in honour of St. Dionysius of St. Emmeram


Coffee break


Session 1. Ireland and England

Elva Johnston (University College Dublin): Changing Saints in the Medieval Irish Martyrologies: Patterns of Topography and Gender

Rebecca Browett (University of London): The image of St Æthelwold of Winchester: adaptation and survival

Steffen Hope (University of Southern Denmark): Edward the Confessor’s three images – historiography, saint-biography and liturgy


Lunch, including a guided tour of Odense Cathedral and the shrine of Saint Knud Rex


Session 2. Scandinavia and Germany

Sara Ellis Nilsson (Malmö University): Shifts in Perception and Veneration – the case of two regional saints from the medieval Skara Bishopric, Sweden

Danette Brink (University of Regensburg): Alternative facts in the liturgical office: a study of St. Maximinus of Trier

3:00 - 3:30

Coffee break and discussion



June 1, 2018

10:00 - 11:15

Session 3. Rus and Byzantium

Monica White (University of Nottingham): Constantine the Great in Byzantium and Rus: A Case Study

Christian Høgel (University of Southern Denmark): On the enkomion and the office by Psellos in celebration of Symeon Metaphrastes

Susana Torres Prieto (IE University): Hagiography beyond the Church

11:15-11:30 Coffee break

Session 4. Central Europe

Grzegorz Pac (University of Warsaw): St Adalbert – two-headed bishop of two sees

Nora Berend (University of Cambridge): The Lives of St Stephen of Hungary




Session 5. Southern Europe

Pilar Herráiz Oliva (Medeniyet University, Istanbul): St. Thomas Aquinas: from condemnation to canonisation

Amy Fuller (University of Nottingham): Sowing the Seeds of Empire: rehabilitating the reputation of San Hermenegildo and rewriting the history of Spain


Coffee break


Discussion and closing remarks

Editing was completed: 31.05.2018