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CML videoseminar. Ingrid Bennewitz, "Brynhild's Return. On the Depiction of the Icelandic Queen in Twenty-first Century Cinema"

Online videoseminar by Ingrid Bennewitz (University of Bamberg) as part of the online seminar series at CML, autumn 2021. The talk will be online via Zoom 25 November at 3:00 CET

Ingrid Bennewitz (University of Bamberg) will be giving an online seminar on "Brynhild's Return. On the Depiction of the Icelandic Queen in Twenty-first Century Cinema" on Thursday, 25 November.

The seminar is part of the autumn 2021 seminar series and will be online via Zoom. All are welcome!

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Download the poster for the autumn seminar series here


"Monologic masculinity" is how the medievalist Simon Gaunt characterized the tradition of the French heroic epic/chanson de geste, especially the chanson de Roland. The nordic-germanic tradition of the heroic epic presents itself quite differently, as female protagonists such as Kriemhild/Gudrun and especially Brynhild dominate the plot. In this context, the reception of the Nibelungen material as early as Richard Wagner’s Ring, but also in films from Fritz Lang (1924) and Harald Reinl (1966/67) to Uli Edel (Sword of Xanten, 2004) and Quentin Tarantino (Django unchained, 2012) has contributed decisively to the enduring popularity of the Icelandic Amazon and Queen Brynhild. Questions about the staging of gender and genre in the medieval sources and the cinematic adaptations will be the focus of the lecture.

Editing was completed: 25.11.2021