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CML videoseminar. Fozia Bora, Archives and Archival Sensibilities in Medieval Arabic Historiography

Online lecture by Fozia Bora (Leeds), 4 May 2021 at 3:00 PM CET as part of the online seminar series at CML, spring 2021

Fozia Bora (Leeds) will be giving an online seminar 4 May on Archives and Archival Sensibilities in Medieval Arabic Historiography. The seminar will be online via Zoom and all are welcome. 

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When premodern Arab historians reconstructed the Islamic past, which criteria governed their use of previously-written sources? Was their worldview shaped by sectarian concerns, or did they value knowledge of all kinds for its own sake? In this talk, we will explore the wide-ranging archival mindset that shaped medieval Arabic history writing, via the rich and understudied chronicle of the Egyptian Mamluk historian Ibn al-Furat (d. 1405). This, in turn, sheds unique light on epistemological values and intellectual culture in the premodern Islamicate world.

Editing was completed: 04.05.2021