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CML videoseminar. Justin Lake

Online seminar with Justin Lake (Texas A&M) on 'The Malicious Barking of Critics': A Literary-Historical Approach to the Topos of Anticipated Criticism, 9 February 2021 at 3:00 PM CET

Justin Lake (Texas A&M) will be giving an online seminar 9 February on 'The Malicious Barking of Critics': A Literary-Historical Approach to the Topos of Anticipated Criticism.

The seminar is part of the spring 2021 seminar series and will be online via Zoom. All are welcome!

To register please write to 

Download poster with all CML spring seminars here  


The topos of anticipated criticism, in which the historian envisioned the reaction of hostile critics to his work, was a standard component of medieval historical prologues. This paper surveys the deployment of this topos over a period of several centuries, considering why the invocation of critics remained so frequent even after a true literary public had disappeared in the Latin west, and examining what changes in the nature of the criticism anticipated by authors might tell us about the shifting conditions of history writing in the Middle Ages.

Editing was completed: 09.02.2021