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CML videoseminar. Warren Boutcher

Warren Boutcher, "From Medieval to Early Modern Europe: Problems of Method for a Transregional Literary History" will be giving a CML seminar on 8 November at 4:15 CET. The talk will be in the CML common room and online via Teams.

The seminar is part of the autumn 2022 seminar series and will be online via Teams. All are welcome!

To register please write to

See the full programme for the online seminar series autumn 2022 here


This talk will reflect on the progress of a project to produce a collaborative, transregional literary history of early modern Europe. The speaker is Principal Investigator on ‘Textuality and Diversity: A Literary History of Europe and its Global Connections, 1545-1659’ (, which runs from 2021 to 2026. TextDiveGlobal is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 101021262). How is the project going, just one year in? Is ‘textuality and diversity’ proving productive as a governing theme and principle ? How are the decisions taken about the languages and the types of ‘texts’ or ‘literature’ to be included now looking? What about the period and geography selected? What theses and questions are emerging?  How have the working methods fared so far? Who or what is missing? How can ‘gaps’ be identified when one cannot ‘cover’ a field that is both impossibly huge and largely unmapped?

Editing was completed: 08.11.2022