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Publication, Fabio Acerbi, Divna Manolova, Inmaculada Pérez Martín

Fabio Acerbi, Divna Manolova, Inmaculada Pérez Martín, "The Source of Nicholas Rhabdas’ Letter to Khatzykes: An Anonymous Arithmetical Treatise in Vat. Barb. gr. 4" Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 68. Band/2018, 1-37

Fabio Acerbi, Divna Manolova, Inmaculada Pérez Martín, "The Source of Nicholas Rhabdas’ Letter to Khatzykes: An Anonymous Arithmetical Treatise in Vat. Barb. gr. 4"


The article presents the edition and a detailed discussion of an anonymous treatise of elementary arithmetic that served as the source of the so-called Letter to Khatzykes authored by the Byzantine scholar Nicholas Artabasdos Rhabdas. An updated survey of the extant evidence about the logistic treatises composed in the Nicaean period and in the early Palaiologan era, and a discussion of the prima facie surprisingly widespread phenomenon of appropriation of scientific treatises written by other contemporaries in late Byzantine times will also be provided.

Editing was completed: 25.09.2019