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Publication, Aglae Pizzone, "Christmas presents for John Tzetzes: a new verse epistle from the letter collection"

New publication by CML/Danish Institute for Advanced Study Aglae Pizzone in the journal Byzantinische Zeitschrift.

CML/Danish Institute for Advanced Study Assistant Professor Aglae Pizzone has recently published the article "Christmas presents for John Tzetzes: a new verse epistle from the letter collection" in Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 114(3), 1303-1320 (2021).


The corpus of Tzetzes’ epistles edited by Pietro Luigi Leone in 1972 includes 107 letters. However, two of the earliest manuscript witnesses of the collection bequeath a 108th letter consisting of 16 iambs and closing the corpus. The short missive is addressed to one Konstantinos Phyteianos. The present paper provides the first edition and translation into English of this letter, analysing its authorship and contents as well as its rhetorical function within the corpus.

Editing was completed: 11.10.2021