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New Virtual Exhibition: Writing Futures

A new virtual exhibition developed by former CML postdoc Dale Kedwards in partnership with Þjóðminjasafn Íslands, Det Nationalhistoriske Museum at Frederiksborg Castle, and the Vigdís Finnbógadóttir Institute

Former CML postdoc Dale Kedwards has developed the new virtual Exhibition Writing Futures in partnership with Þjóðminjasafn Íslands, Det Nationalhistoriske Museum at Frederiksborg Castle, and the Vigdís Finnbógadóttir Institute.

Dale writes about the exhibition: "Since NASA named its Mars mission the Viking program in 1968, the Viking voyages of exploration and settlement have been a metaphor for the exploration of our solar system. This virtual exhibition explores the role of historical imagery in thinking about space and its exploration, from a moon of Saturn, where place-names are drawn from Arthurian legend, to a moon of Jupiter where they are draw from Norse myth".

Visit the exhibition here or read Dale's blog post about it here

Image: Jupiter's moon Callisto, this hemisphere dominated by the Valhalla multi-ring basin. NASA-JPL/Caltech: PIA00080.

Editing was completed: 11.03.2021