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CML's contribution to DNRF publication "Curiosity Benefits Society"

CML substantially contributed to the new Danish National Research Foundation publication on on the usefulness of research to society.

"What about the usefulness of research to society in the short term?" This is the key question addressed by the new DNRF publication "Curiosity Benefits Society".

CML substantially contributed to answering the question in the research area "Actualize our cultural heritage" offering direct and wide experience both in the dissemination of knowledge and in the collaboration between museums and researchers. The collaboration with museums in particular proves crucial as Centers of Excellence like the CML contribute to the studies of the museums’ valuable collections and help to turn museums into institutions of advanced knowledge with a wider international angle. Thanks to the mutual collaboration with researchers, museums become culture-bearing institutions and have a unique platform on which to educate new generations and shape historical consciousness based on research driven information.

Here is an excerpt from the report with the words of CML director Lars Boje Mortensen:

“It is all about what we want to teach the new generations. Should we teach them history as was done 40 years ago? Or should we give them the latest knowledge? The latter requires that there be people who are up to date with the latest knowledge and who both write specialized scientific articles and engage in contributing to cultural institutions such as museums."

Read more about the report and find the whole publication "Curiosity Benefits Society" on DNRF website.

Cover image: CML researchers examine the famous illustrated manuscript Liber Floridus during the Liber Floridus workshop at Ghent University.

Editing was completed: 10.09.2021